
Lighten up!

"The path itself isn’t hard, it's remembering to follow it that is! Try to integrate your meditation within the working day. Try to balance your feelings of knowing everything in some areas and nothing in others. If you have a watch alarm set it, and each hour take a moment’s reflection. Make love with the people or machines you work with. Don’t further oppression in any form. Resist evil by returning good.
"If you have a superior who oppresses you, remember hir salvation too. You are a witness to truth. If by remaining gentle and faithful you are required to pay the ultimate price (in today’s world) of losing your job — remember that by being knocked thru the wall of your claustrophobic personal-space capsule you may emerge into the weightlessness of free spirit, and so grow into someone that the confines of a gravity-based existence would never have allowed. No oppressor who sees what your convictions really mean can failed to be influenced in the longterm.
"It was the early Christians’ testimony of faithfulness unto death in the most horrific circumstances that empowered the movement to sweep the world. That is the ultimate meaning of integrity.

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