
How we all contribute

"Don’t strive to do good. How can you even assess what good is?
"Be and you’ll help everyone you meet. You cant be without being constantly aware of your environment. Any person conscious of hir environment knows what would ideally be different — about people, about things. The person who maintains a calm awareness is in the best position to change whatever can be changed. Such a person may attract others to give hir the job of changing large things. It isn’t an enviable one.
"If you find it hard to be faithful in small things how could you cope with great responsibility to others? There is no such thing as a perfect system, but there are perfect people. You are one of them. Try to realise your perfection. The meaning of holistic is that what is true of the whole is true of each part. If one part isn’t true the whole is marred.
"In a large construction project it isn’t necessary for everyone to understand the whole design. If you do the work assigned to you you can truthfully say of the completed structure ‘I built that’. From your perspective the whole design may not make sense but continue in what you have been told, & perhaps you will be called to a viewpoint from which you can appreciate & admire the overall effect. Set aside anguish and accept. Only when you’re perfectly at ease are you released from the gravitational force which magnetises your ego to what you profess to hate."

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