
Growing in stages

"A child grows in stages: first the flesh expands then the bones extend and absorb the chubbiness. Sometimes you feel contented and blest, all is well. Thats the expansive period, then comes a void, a period of darkness, when growth absorbs all the accumulated reservoir of repose. At the end of it you emerge in a different leag, having outgrown the youthful insights that pleased you earlier. Beneath your feet new depths open and as you gain in profundity safe handholds grow fewer and fewer until at last you are falling endlessly into the void.
"When you can release your fear you will discover a spiritual weightlessness that isn’t falling but becomes freedom to move in whatever direction you want. Trust what you feel. No 2 ways are ever the same. There are cycles in everything. If you have been taught that spiritual life is only about feeling happy you will be disorientated when the spiral draws you on. Have courage, remember what you once trusted. Hold on thru water and fire, you will emerge strengthened, purified, more resilient. If you turn you lose everything, and starting over is harder each time.
"Are there spiritual personalities you admire? How do you think they grew to be as they are now? Could they ‘speak truth to power’ if they had not been tested in small matters? Go about your affairs honestly, soberly, justly. There is no greater testimony."

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