
How should I choose?

"You will almost always find words of hope and encouragement awaiting you on the spiritual path. This is partly because the path itself is so very hard – or rather, the path isn’t hard but following it is! Now more than ever there are so many alternative amusements, and the range of paths now visible is bewildering.
"In this situation appetite and desire are your key guides. Don’t feel pressured to continue the search if you need time to digest what you have already learnt. Nothing accidental can happen to you when you are on the path. Beware of the spiritual tourist who changes course in mid-journey. Such a person mistakenly assumes it is an easier way to enlightenment, because s/he imagines that enlightenment is a goal – whereas it is a process.
"The path is an end in itself. By faithful following enlightenment evolves progressively as negative karma (actions in past lives) is expiated by positive karma (good actions) in this one. It's better to follow a single 'inferior' path faithfully, but not obsessively, than to dabble in, or dither between, 2 'superior' ones."

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