
Neurological Pathways

I wrote this to a mother whose dauter had had serious dexterity problems since starting the piano, but had suddenly managed to play a piece with a repeated LH pattern without difficulty.

R’s ability to remember that LH pattern & ‘disaggregate’ it from her RH (for want of a better word) was extremely interesting. My theory is that ‘contamination’ between physical L-R responses is the result of insufficient insulation between neural pathways. Apparently the receptor sites in the brain that handle L-R traffic are micrometers apart & I think what happens is the neurological equivalent of what in electronics would be called cross-talk between signals.
    What it suggests to me is that when R's brain knows there’s a pattern it actually diverts the signal for that hand via a different pathway - to /from a ‘knowing-memory’ centre as opposed to both going via a raw-info ‘reading-decoding’ centre. According to a docu I saw there are 37 centres in the brain that process different kinds of stimuli. That’s why kids find it so much easier to respond when a music page is broken into colours & shapes rather than shapes alone.
To me it makes teaching a lot more interesting if you can discern what responsory ‘inhibitions’ are creating problems for people. That’s one of the reasons why ColourMuse works so well, because I've spent years observing what kinds of gestural patterns kids find it intuitively easy to grasp and adapting the music to optimise them. I've tried without success to interest music psychologists in my observations based on teaching so many small people.

Last term a 7 y/o came to me who had been learning at school: she was quite able but had no real idea ‘why' she was playing the piano because her piano book didn’t offer pieces based on ‘finger logic’. IE, tho she could play them they didn’t make any (neuro-logic) ’sense’ to her as patterns, therefore she played without rhythmic understanding because she couldn’t grasp what effect was intended to be. After just two weeks on ColourMuse, she has been transformed: one can immediately hear that she knows what /why she's playing, because there’s an ‘endorphin payoff’ / neurological satisfaction.
    It would be interesting to get such info into the public domain; but when nobody’s asking the questions, the answers don’t make any sense!

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