

"Everything in the world is constantly recycling, like the liquid in a seething pot. Humans are both what is boiled in the pot and its savour — half flesh, half spirit. In spirit each person has a quint/essential character.
"Once freed from the restraints of a physical existence by earthly death each soul revels in its freedom to be — to travel unlimited distances, have unlimited friendships, know no demands or obligation other than those imposed by mutual respect. For many souls this is enough. However there are those here, just as there are those on earth, for whom simple pleasure is not enough. Some impulse leads them more deeply into the mysteries. But in an environment where there is nothing abrasive there exists no catalyst to effect a radical alteration. These souls are then drawn to return to the outer world to work thru a growth cycle. They are attracted to choose a situation which offers the proportionate scale of challenge to their desire for growth.
"While immersed in the earthly cauldron they also remain in essence spiritual even while they’re ‘cooking’. When the master chef judges they have undergone the necessary transformation they’re removed from the pot and permitted to enter service. By becoming nourishment to others, are freed to resume their spiritual liberty on the higher, or inward, plane."

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