
Low Frequency Oscillations

"Never fear that your mind will be empty if you respect it/=yourself. So much of humans’ inability to respect other springs not from ego but lack of self-respect — a psychological projection onto others of how the subject is treating hirself.
"It wouldn’t worry me/us if you never wrote another of these pages. It isn’t what they say that’s important it's what they are. You’re able to do it because you’ve slowed down. Now we’d like you to slow down a lot more. If you can do that you’ll hear what has always been here. Not like the bright surf crashing onto the applauding beach, but a great deep Pacific boomer, capable of traveling for thousands of miles over submarine mountains and kingdoms; the kind that sets in motion a chain reaction which either scours clean or, misapplied, brings disaster and inundation.
"Above all, don’t try and control. Just build up the energy and trust it to carry you where its right for you to be. Respect all aspects of your experience. Stand by. Remember you didn’t make it happen, so be detached. Let your mind be the mariner, guiding hir boat along the energy lines the current’s own pace. Go. You have things to do."

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