
Praise permeates every dimension

"Only praise disperses the clouds. If atmospherics interrupt your antennæ tune into your regular frequency and transmit a blast of power yourself. It can be hard, usually bad reception is caused by your own weakness -thru physical or psychic ill health- and thus to summon the energy to transmit energy is an effort. But its worth it. Nothing else will lift you.
"How long will this thing last, you ask? As long as is needed — as long as it takes you to learn what it has to teach. Almost always negativity is the response to your deviating from your life path.
"How can you tell what that is? – ‘Be still then, and know that I AM God.’ To pre-vent means to go before. Your act of going before prevents. You have so many ideas of what God wants (you) to do … but s/he wants nothing of you except to allow love to flow into your heart, to fill and expand it like a balloon. And to allow you to become a full and com-pleted human BEing. To accomplish completion is to fulfill your destiny, & thus to be completed. Those were the Christ’s penultimate words. And with them he divided time as if with a stroke of the pen. Something given to noonelse at any point in history.
"So could you say that his suffering wasn’t worth it? From its intensity has sprung psychic energy unparalleled anywherelse in your dimension. Other sons of God have given forth much excellent teaching and done many meritorious things but noonelse has, by accepting ‘failure’, accomplished a fraction of the transformation -the manifestation of the multi-dimensional spirit world into the physical- as he did.
"Indeed it was not the Christ himself (the anointed) who was incarnated. It was the carnate world that like a typhoon was drawn into and partially merged with the discarnate — making its potential available to all, and not just initiates. You can understand that if you think of the development of microcomputers. The potential for their evolution had always existed, the body of knowledge was gradually built up, technical capacity developed according to its own logic, yet public awareness/acceptance remained latent. But at a certain point in time knowledge and production capability coincided and became the nut that fitted everyone’s bolt. A bolt indeed that they hadn’t even known until then required a nut!
"So in the inner world. By what you call 0 AD sufficient resources of spiritual knowledge existed on earth and sufficient resources of developed souls existed in our plane that there was a need for the volcanic eruption of one dimension into the other. The only question was when and how? The Christ didn’t know what he was to do. How could he? Nothing like it had ever happened before. Tho of course the release of psychic energy had always been latent within the structure of matter. The one factor that enabled the Christ to accomplish his mission was the complete subordination of his ego to the divine will. If he had to accept having no possessions, he accepted it. If he had to accept a period in the wilderness, he accepted it. If he had to accept the adulation of his followers, he accepted it. If he had to accept the way of the Cross, he accepted it. If he had to accept (or had not to accept) relationships, he accepted whichever.
By total acceptance he allowed the Holy spirit of God to manifest hirself as an appreciable entity in the physical world — a resource previously only available the most ardent seekers. This extraordinary accomplishment has become so much part of your cultural awareness that its power is taken for granted — yet its the sanctuary lamp of all that is best within ‘civilisation’. It enables toleration, compassion, disinterested-love: all that is noblest in the heart of humanity. That is not to say that such a quality didn’t exist before, nor to say that many great masters hadn’t taught it: but it was never so freely available. Look at the up-side. For a moment ignore the savagery that persisted (persists to this day) in the heart of some. Think of the great humanitarian achievement.
"The Christ didn’t bring those qualities himself. He cracked open the shell — yet was himself the shell that was shattered. He was the physical instrument of a psychic manifestation. Just as detailed scientific measurements cannot be accomplished until very finely calibrated equipment has itself been manufactured, so nothing could happen until a person of unique qualities had come into existence in the outer world. Such people are commoner than you might suppose, but either cant themselves accept the destiny offered them (Jesus of Nazareth had complete free will to refuse) or are marred by psychic accidents occuring to them or in their environment and thereby disabled. Of all the acorns that fall from an oak, how many become trees? How many trees would you want! No, there is a balance between latency and manifestation. There are algorithms (interactive combinations of wave patterns) within every sentient aspect of the universe. Within the planets, there is a fitness in the immense variety of speeds of rotation, and within that fitness it is the function of your planet to support physical existence. Can you imagine the generous tolerances needed to keep all these factors in balance?
Non-volitional organic life has comparable algorithms to sustain yet check the environment within which mobile organic life requires. So also for mobile organic life there are instinctive algorithms which largely balance supply and demand within the food chain. On top of these come the infinitely complex effect of algorithms created by the spiritual/mental functioning of humanity.
"Individually your waveforms are very short high frequency ones (whose high or low velocity, according to your characters, determine their range of transmission), these interact to create small collective waveforms (families) on an aggregately lower frequency, larger collective waveforms (communities) are formed in a similar way. These in turn combine to create -yet are also formed & re-formed by- national characteristics on a deeper algorithm. Slower still in vibration are the algorithms that inform the separate races. And finally with a cycle so low as to be immeasurable within the same matrix as the individual come the combined algorithms of all living things, and so even beneath them the psychic resonance of all sentient existence. From (or on) any (or all) of these levels archetypes are created — plainly recognisable characteristics which are instinctively perceptible. They are the result of a psychic ‘law’ of relationship-coefficients, just like harmonics in music. Animals recognise such characteristics in the hierarchy that forms the food chain.
A person attuned to the algorithms of animals can ‘charm’ them for precisely the same reason most people frighten them. A ‘star’ is someone whose personal algorithms interlock with a substantial number of others. A ‘leader’ with even more. Those who can slow their own rhythms sufficiently to tune into the algorithms of the progressive depths are called by you Priests, Philosophers, Astrologers, Mediums &c. But that is all they’re doing. There is psychic energy within all living matter if you can practise attunement to it. Algorithmic relationships are not merely horizontal or vertical, they extend in every dimension around you — 20° 71.6°, 163°, 201° forwards, backwards or laterally in time.
"You may have had first-hand experience of the effect alcoholics have on everyone around them; but they themselves are only a nexus point between their forebears and their children. They are in themselves but a shadow of their progenitors, yet theirs is also a heavy shadow upon subsequent generations. (Alcoholics are invariably people who, for one reason or another, are seeking to dull their unique spiritual calling.)

"Within this bewildering complexity, how can you know what is true for you? Fortunately, just as you use your ears to focus only on what interests you, so your psychic receptors simply filter out whatever is irrelevant for you at the time. The function of psychic training is to increase your awareness of, and ability to focus on, matters outside your normal range. And that requires as much consistent effort as that of an athlete.
"Praise is the principal mechanism which cuts thru the jamming, all the system noise that impacts itself on your inner ear, and slows your inner rhythms to the lowest vibration which you’re currently able to link with. The higher, the longer, the louder the praise the deeper within yourself you can travel, and so -by that paradox of psychology- the furthest outside yourself."

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