
What is the role of science?

"It is right that humans should seek to uncover the laws governing the universe, but if only they would do so on the basis of all the knowledge available instead of a restrictive area. To close half your mind in order to unpick a pocket-handkerchief of specialism can hardly be called a valuable contribution to the welfare of mankind.
"If enough people are one-eyed or hunchbacked they can persuade themselves that this is the natural state. Similarly, unbalanced people congregate in order to reaffirm each other’s precarious lifestyle. But don’t be like that yourself, don’t accept what your instincts tell you is unhealthy. Move without violence in the direction your leadings suggest. Don’t be afraid to go anywherelse in the world if you feel an energy drawing you there; but at the same time do not expect that a physical act will ever produce a moral solution.
"It always works the other way round. The moral dimension, mushín (integrity without form), alone initiates solutions. It is always closer to you now than if you journey to find it elsewhere. Tho you may journey and you may find it, you will at once realise that you always knew it; but amid the clamour of your body you could not distinguish the real from the unreal, the true from the false, the eternal from the ephemeral. You thought what was most physical was most real, but you’re discovering the opposite is true. There is a reality to the physical that can never be denied, but there is also a super-reality that transcends and interpermeates matter, and which cannot be identified from analysis of mere matter alone.
"Why can people not live happily in rooms of precisely their own height? Because psychology demands that dwelling space reflects the spiritual aspirations of its inhabitants. Who has not felt prouder and stronger for being welcomed within a generously proportioned house? Consider the vaulting ambitions of medieval cathedral builders — what spiritual feats have they not enabled? Are you surprised that crampt buildings produce psychosis? Around each of you is an aura which is as much part of your personality as your laughter. It requires a meta-physical space proportional to it. If you crowd many people together they invade each others’ auras and a super-aura is created, whose lightness or darkness reflects with higher-math precision the aggregate of the individuals’. So take care what you do, immense forces are unleashed by a common focus.
"Fortunately for you the longterm damage from your consumerist culture that could arise from the manipulation of imagination for commercial gain is largely dissipated by its evanescence. Nightfall erases all memory of the ephemeral. People expect no more than it promises, a fair-weather friendship: but in their spiritual poverty they will never forgive one who entered the undefended citadel of their souls by promising something of lasting value which s/he could not deliver.
"Be very sure you don’t claim to purvey even so much as a candle’s worth more of the light than you own within yourself. I forgive, but your fellow humans have no collective mechanism for releasing negative thoughts. They cling to them like rotting rags. Work for the light. Test everything against the formula ‘does light shine thru this decision, or is it dimmed by it?’"

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