

"When you teach you become imbued with the subject. Whatever words are formulated in a person’s brain become part of hir. The will is unruly and headstrong but if trained and harnest can provide an inexhaustible power supply.
"Instead of chasing after ephemera focus your will onto the unchanging essentials of justice and enrichment of life for all. Do not be deflected. All things work together for good to them that love me.
"Do you wish the fog of uncertainty to disappear? Enter the dimension where doubt is irrelevant. Instead of worrying about what you don’t know let your limited certainties irradiate the despair and so warm your climate to a temperature at which the fog disperses itself.
Something about the left hand reminds those who are right-handed that nobody should be so specialised that they lose their flexibility of thought.
"Tiredness is natural at times. If you were always on a High it would no longer be a High. Beware of people who represent themselves like that, they’re trying to sell you something.
If you can only be yourself when alone what use is that? Continually rebalance yourself around your heart and throat chakras.
"Prayer is a two-way process: if you’re using up all your bandwidth in demanding I can't reply granting your request.
"Remember to be transparent. Let come thru what is within. Let it irradiate you. Vibrate more slowly than your body. Find yourself.

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