
How to pray

"The purpose of prayer is not to ask but to receive. I said earlier that prayer is a 2 way process. You pray successfully when you can open yourself as a channel to hear what my will for you is. If you’re preoccupied with demanding the fulfilment of a pressing need, how can you still yourself to learn why that need has manifested itself in your life at this time. What is it drawing you on toward? What is it calling you back from? What is it suggesting about your life or lifestyle?
"You may ask, of course you may ask. But generally it wont be productive until you are fully connected with an earth energy that is right for you — on a spiritual ley line. You’re only beginning to feel this power, dont let your mind lead you astray by thinking you know more than you do.
"It isn’t a mental process, its an intuitive psychic one that can only be experienced thru the psychic 'body'. You have chosen the right road, you will progress along it as fast or as slowly as you want. If you’re motivated to receive the high energy version that is the one you will call into existence, if you are naturally cautious you will be drawn at a pace that will respect your need to assimilate each stage fully.
"Do not long to be a different type of person. What you are is right for you, and right for the world. You have a special part to play that couldn’t be played by anyonelse.
- Are you a shop assistant? You have a unique opportunity to show love and respect.
- Are you ‘just a mother’? Nobody in the whole world is more important than you.
- Are you a cleaner? Cleanliness isn’t next to Godliness its part of it, don’t be disheartened, you are teaching people the value of respect for their surroundings more conscientiously than any tv personality.
- Have you been called to a position of responsibility? Don’t be afraid to take a decision that may cost you your job. Just as you know it to morally right for the situation, it could also be the right step for you.
"Remember, the thief, the rapist, the dosser, the drunken driver, the asset stripper, the prostitute, the child abuser are all essential members of society. Lynching them does nothing to cure the world’s agony. It only intensifies it. I am each one of them as surely as I am you. So long as humanity cannot distinguish between filling its stomach and the emotional void of the open chakra at that level of the body you will all continue to think that the ache in your stomach area can be healed by things.
"The successful business-person is so preoccupied with that lower chakra s/he blocks off completely impulses from the higher chakras. The priest/teacher/civil servant may be so preoccupied with the 6th chakra (the mental) that s/he has completely blocked off either hir heart or hir personal generative response (base chakra) or hir creativity (the throat chakra).
"Your highest chakra, the 7th or crown, cannot open to inflow from the multi-dimensional world of spirit until you have balance between the energies of all the chakras, from the base upwards. Your base impulses, if base they be, will just as surely bring you down, as your highest impulses will raise you up if you are down. Treated as part of the energy of a whole (multi-dimensional) body nothing is impure, and nothing is sacred. All must be integrated. The more the result surprises you the wronger your preconceptions were. The monk may be a child abuser. The drunken driver a saint. The thief may be an aristocrat. The Chief Executive holds within him the bag lady. The stock-broker has the nerve endings of a counsellor.
"Be truthful with yourself. Are you really as deserving of respect as you are taken for? Have you never cheated the public purse? Have you never jumped a red light? Have you never taken advantage of someone’s love for you? Its only natural that you hide those things of which you are ashamed. But they are you just as surely as the generosity, the laughter and the reliability. Until you can integrate your shadow side, and accept those areas of darkness, you cant grow. Plants need the black earth as much as they need sunlight.
"In the same way, society cannot be healed until all have collectively acknowledged responsibility to the lowest and meanest. The hurt of a single child silences the ringing declarations of every world leader. No amount of self-congratulation can wipe away the stain of a society that brutally discards those for whom it has no use. And this value-system you now wish to export to other planets!
"You cannot change it. No individual can. But you can revalue yourself. And the prayers of the wise conspire with infinitely more power than the incoherent prayers of a divided world. In a balanced society the wishes of balanced people produce an interlocking sum of aspiration far outweighing the hopelessly jumbled and contradictory ambitions of n-times the ignorance opposing them."

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