
The way back to the garden

"Holy. Holy Holy.
If you could live with(in) the dynamic created by seeing the true soul of everyone & everything imagine what a release of energy there would be – instead of seeing only separateness and individualism you'd see interconnectedness. And from that would flow collaboration, wholeness, belonging – every worthwhile vibration.
"The way you find the way to this state is by simply taking the next step that appears to you. If you will let yourself be led by this impulse towards clarity & sacredness the power that is within will do the rest. It means doing the natural thing: being loving: being enthusiastic (god filled): being willing to step out & embrace others."

1 comment:

Matsby said...

Wow! I have been reading your blogs for a few weeks now. I think it is great! Very inspiring. In fact, you were the inspiration for my starting my own blog. This entry is one of my favorites. I wish I could write like this. You are very tallented. Keep up the good work Maxi!