

"There is the part of you everyone sees and there are the invisible parts that can only be sensed. The visible part is in your dimension, the others are in the etheric dimensions. To be whole you must be fully functional in all dimensions. To concentrate on the physical and ignore the spiritual is like supposing that a car will run without fuel. It is the very essence of the motor’s life — it is spirit, it is gas.
"Those who have the capacity for psychic growth feel a strength seeking to expand their consciousness. They feel within them a trace-memory of something they have not known — an imperfectly sealed vacuum-lock between this existence and their undying soul. Wanting/fearing to experience the Beyond they try to control its interpenetration, notably by alcohol -which temporarily lifts the veil only to lower a steel ceiling in its place- or drugs -which sweep them towards the experience but dump them before they can arrive.

"To look at the physical world and to learn to see beyond its external forms is the first barrier you must penetrate — to see the skull within the laughter, the rock beneath the meadow — to differentiate the time-proven from the ephemeral. A mountaineer must learn before all else to distinguish between reliable and unreliable footholds. Then s/he must commit hir weight to them.
"The cliff-face only comes into existence as you embark on its ascent. Psychic experience is only there for you when you begin to use it, that is part of its multi-dimensionality. You have to learn to live with the physical uncertainty by seeing beyond to the metaphysical certainty.
Many sensations (of illness and exhilaration) are manifestations of our etheric bodies which can never be ‘cured’ by treatment of the physical body. They have to be comprehended in the totality of Experience, which may have to expand to accommodate them — indeed it is part of their function, to lead us by degrees to a fuller awareness. Smoking mimics the heart-enlargement that we long to feel permanently, but it withers and contracts the heart further as each cigaret is stubbed out.

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