

The ego is the cup which contains the liquid of the soul. It must be strong enough to withstand intense heat and ice cold, or being dropped from a great height, or submerged in water or any other situation that can occur in the natural world.

The ego, having a physical entity (the body), exists in the gravitational world. The soul/psyché doesn't. During a physical lifetime the soul eventually reaches a critical density where it achieves coherence and is no longer threatened by the prospect of the disintegration of its physical container.

When the ego is triggered to release it, the soul is free to embark on the next stage of its journey. (You can rehearse this process of letting it go by relaxing your intense self-control.)

If you feel sufficiently confident of yourSelf you can surrender to the deeper feelings within you and preview your new (next) existence - floating in a non-gravitational environment - free to move anywhere but especially to progress thought-fully in fullness of awareness. Particularly - you can extend your consciousness to all sorts of new characters and emotions, just as actors do.

But remember, whatever happens, you're encased in a physical medium - and anything that exists does so according to its constituent laws.

Yet because things can go right they can also go wrong.

You see this in physical deformities (where you're beginning to use your resources wisely to assist sufferers). But as physical beings, with limited vision, you don't often see so clearly the inner malformations of the psyché - that are governed by similar (tho infinitely subtler) laws.

Just as in the body, where conditions for growth can be inadvertently triggered by a freak genetic response, so premature development may occur in the mind/soul complex. The soul operates in a way not dissimilar to a software program resident within the hardware of the mind - tho the similarity ends there, because the mind & soul are infinitely capable of mutual reprogramming and expansion, indeed the pathways to process knowledge/awareness are more than artificial intelligence can dream of, as is the neural relationship between feeling and knowing. Just as your undying soul may choose a physical disability within which to incarnate and so seek to evolve a new dimension of Self-integration - so that part of you which already is may have chosen the infinitely steeper path of a mental disability. Now what may happen within the liquid of the mind/soul complex is that the conditions for triggering a certain kind of growth may have been met and activated before all the other processes of the physical container are complete. There are many control systems to prevent this but nothing is exception-proof, for the 'exception' may have the effect of introducing a new dimension and thereby bringing higher/deeper laws into operation.

Until the ego-cup has done its work of protecting the solidifying soul-liquid it must remain intact. But if the content is too much or too strong for the container, or the ego is dissolved prematurely by what seems to be an exceptional awareness then the result is what you call madness. The orientation that the gravity of the cup was supposed to provide collapses before the soul has acquired a multi-dimensional coherence that could sustain it - and the liquid dissipates, seeping randomly into pathways incomprehensible to humans.

What shouldnt've happened until you're ready to move out of the earth environment begins prematurely and the affected person is 'disorientated' or 'alienated' by an insight and awareness that nothing has prepared hir for - and whose reality, tho intense and subjective, seems to have no tangent with the nature of terrestrial experience. The person often seems to have answers to questions that have never been asked. Tragic errors in the evolution of the mind/soul complex result in inappropriate pathways merging to perpetuate disinformation within the knowledge/feeling awareness, differentiating the person at the most basic level of their experience.Behind/within/beyond lies the undying soul who has incarnated in this form and is struggling to reduce into the limited number of dimensions of terra firma the infinity of hir multi-dimensional consciousness. Even if s/he could do so there remains the further battle to find a conceptual language that closes the circle - enabling the sufferer to express hirself in a form comprehensible to earthlings.

In all of this disorientation the knife-edge balance of consciousness is held by the psycho-chemical constituents of the body. If they too become disordered then the molecular construction of the cup (the ego) becomes so contaminated that its disintegration into incoherence is unavoidable.

Even so, often, all isn't lost because the soul retains an out-of-body awareness of the events taking place within itself/hirself.

If the consciousness of such a person can wrestle with and overcome the donné/data of hir physical existence s/he will have insights of exceptional depth to communicate to the world Ñ just as the wholed personality of a physically disabled person has a unique richness.

Spirit therefore by fertilising the Self releases into a new dimension of metaphysical possibilities. Given the impulse of the universe to move towards 'wholing' the vast majority of Spirit confirmation tends towards good. But there are negative archetypes or algorithms, and these too can be discovered and harnest. Whatever confirmation you seek is, if you persevere, the consciousness within which yourSelf will be released.

However, overarching/underpinning all, is the ultimate algorithm of the single, infinite cycle which expresses all shorter cycles, and within which is contained every possibility - of the universe, of the earth, of life, of humanity, of flora, of nations, of people, of fauna, of relationships, of thought.

To discover and reconcile yourself with that great Aum of consciousness is to be released into the timeless possibilities of being interpenetrated by Holy Spirit, the divine One of eternity.

It may help to dispel the confusion exists around the spiritual function of the division between ego - soul (superego) - spirit (id).

If you want to play the role of a 'big guy', stay within the power and sphere of the ego! So long as your native energy holds out your ego is safe from 'divine sabotage'. The vessel surrounding the liquid soul is strong and virile, the physical vigour of its exterior attractive; but inevitably it decays - and what then happens to the meagre unfermented soul within?

Your soul is the undying part of you which incarnates as it needs to on a continuum of development towards god-consciousness. Even if you choose to call it your spirit what is described is that which is essentially and inalienably you - apart from ego. The two together form the Self. 'Divine sabotage' is designed to shatter the ego so that the liquid of soul flows multi-dimensionally, merging and blending to nourish the world. For part of your function is to progress the cycle by growing others as you yourself were grown.

Have there been points in your life you feared you might cease to exist owing to the stress you felt yourSelf, your personality, to be under? That's just the structure of your ego metamorphosing to prepare for an abundant release of soul. (Picture an analogy with the birth process or the transformation of the pupa.)

After the soul is open to receive comes its fertilisation by spirit. Spirit (no preceding article) exists in many forms as 'collective unconscious'. Every family or tribe of humans has its own spirit - an archetype which reinforces their sense of identity as they come closest to it. In early days where family and tribe were synonymous the continuity was easy to maintain. Now a different situation exists where the two are quite separate. You're born into one but you choose the other on the basis of affinity.

There is an essential experience within every separate vocation -be it acting, accountancy, or animal welfare- that forms an archetype or algorithm. The more a practitioner can synchronise hir own rhythms with those of the algorithm, or archetype, the greater hir success will be - because s/he will harness the latent energy in the algorithm and cease to strive. The absence of striving in turns contributes an apparent effortlessness to that person's activities which is, quite correctly, thought of as godlike.

Don't seek to 'understand'. Only by simply accepting are you freed from the barbed bait of perpetual enquiry. The multi-dimensional logic of the Universe cant be reduced to the conceptual world of human thought.

Within the totality of all that exists nothing is amiss. At a simple binary level every Question has its Answer, tho the Answer might have been given several thousand years before the Question was asked, or might appear in a completely different cultural context. The point is, that only by ceasing to strive can the range of perception be extended limitlessly in any direction.

Many of the Answers are of infinite subtlety, a factor here, a factor there, an undreamt wish from elsewhere, which perhaps require to be combined in a historical awareness lost centuries ahead.

You'll always find what you seek, but it'll be the desire of your heart not of your head. Your heart knows: it knew before you were born, and it draws you onwards until your Question becomes the Answer you already feel.


It is always possible to delude yourself.
If you're not guiding others delusions may be amusing, even illuminating.
If you know you're being called to follow Truth your insights will be progressively honed till you feel truth instinctively. This may not make you a very convenient companion for your old friends, but you'll soon acquire new ones if you set your face towards the spiritual Jerusalem.

Be gracious: if you come to sense a kind of truth within yourself don't imagine you now have a monopoly: allow that even those whom you suppose to be least truthful may possess a natural integrity which you, with your deeper calling, may not yet have attained.

This calls for ego-lessness, especially in any matter of offering guidance. If you need to speak, don't, that is your ego talking. Consume the fire, let it irradiate your being - only when you feel your whole body in tune with your conviction should you speak, and then let it come from the back of your head not the front.You never need to barge in. When its right for you to speak there'll be an opening: if there isn't, that is in itself a sign that you wouldn't be listened to.

Under such circumstances it's especially wrong to strive, if ears are not prepared for wisdom it does more harm than good.Never imagine it's necessary in any way for you to do our work for us. We are many and infinitely capable. You are allowed to be lords in your natural habitat, as we are in ours. It is the highest will for it to be so for your growth. But there are areas which are beyond your proper control, if you enter them you should only do so under the empowerment of guidance.

We who are near you as earth-guides are in the same relation to those above us. An apprentice electrician can wreak havoc and death if allowed to operate unsupervised in a generating plant - so it is in the spiritual realm.

Wait for guidance, practise listening,
don't act until you're certain, and never be so certain you shutter your moment-by-moment awareness.

Don't aspire to become - be!

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