
There has to be a reason to live

"What is the goal of life? To come to a realisation of your Self that will enable you to inhabit the expanded consciousness of the next stage of your journey.
"Admit to who you are … Admit that you don’t know … Admit that you’re at one with me … (whatever you think intellectually, whatever emotional reservations you have, admit it – allow that sense of integration with all created matter to flood your body.)
"That very act of surrender instantly makes you a uniquely valuable being. For suddenly you cease to be a common striver and become at-one'd with yourself and with me and with the whole community of achieved souls. The limitation that each learnt to accept was their own, and in learning this they transcended it. Do this and you have found your life's true purpose, your raison d'ĂȘtre. (People desperately search for reasons to exist but this is the only one that answers everything. In the human heart there is a God-shaped hole that only the 'otherness of un/knowing' can fill.)
"You may think that by yourself, but the magic only starts when you truly integrate the awareness. Don't strive … Don't compete … Don't seek to excel … Attempting to be superhuman is of no lasting benefit to anyone, least of all yourself. (It willl eat you up from the inside.)
"Magnify your humanity … have the courage to lack conviction … have the courage to fail … Cherish what is ordinary, what is simple. Let your ordinariness resonate; nothing rings so feebly as a string stretched too tight.
"If you have a high voice it is natural for you to dominate. But if you have a low voice you have to raise it from its natural register to compete – that means your soul has been magnetised by the striving of others. If this is the case, don’t cut yourself off but try opening the feeling in your base chakra at times when the magnetism becomes powerful, root yourself to your physical awareness, and so remain in contact with yourself, rather than the volatility of souls around that may excite you.
"Do what you love but do not cling to it. Give it the freedom to be itself, to be more than you can imagine. Allow your work, as much as your partner, an open door. (Maybe something calls you, or it, or hir, to detour via a different path before returning with love refreshed? Don’t rule out the possibility.) Don’t be afraid to step out from familiar surroundings. If you are willing to go you may not actually have to. If you are unwilling, then going itself may become the issue.
"Life is a circle whose centre is everywhere, whose circumference nowhere. In fact the true centre of life is you. Find its rhythm, flow with it. A river is neither its banks nor its course, but the water itself. But there is no constancy in any part of it. Chased, it is fickle as fish, scooped up it ceases to be 'river'. The current passes one way only, never to return. Every moment the river’s constituents are different, yet it even as it runs thru your fingers it is, and remains in its entirety, a river.
"And that's equally true of you! Even tho you might be channneled into a backwater and feel yourself going nowhere, you are still as much the river as any other part. Accept the good you can do where you are and don’t strive. When some force returns you to the main stream that will be your chance to dance and sparkle in the sunlight, with all the pent-up energy of your enforced wait.
"Be. You are watering roots. It's not a fast process – but it as sure and uniquely valuable as every piece of nature's jigsaw."

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