
The source of your power

"It would do you good to feel more of the kundalini, the sexual power in your root chakra. It strengthens your sense of a psychic body. To concentrate on the upper chakras alone is like building an inverted pyramid. If you’re to build outwards in the upper storeys you need a solid tower of support beneath, and this means being aware of where the spiritual and the physical coincide. Sexual energy is as much a spiritual phenomenon as a physical one, how otherwise does attraction take place? It isn’t flesh that attracts: it is the spirit that emanates thru the flesh.
"Just as imagination instinctively recognises archetypal images so there are configurations of body-image which trigger archetypal responses. Know yourself, know your sexual responses, do not be afraid of them. Admit them and use the energy they supply. This does not mean you have to initiate relations with people to whom you are attracted, rather it is part of being honest about your whole body. If you have an area of fear or concealment within this most fundamental aspect of your personality how can the upper chakras resonate freely? You must be open to receive and transmit attraction, for it is a large part of the essential you. The more open you are the less you are likely to be bothered by inhibited or frustrated people, for they are only attracted to those with similar repressions whom they can trap into psycho-sexual games.
"All feelings are given you for a purpose, but you will only be able to work out what they are, and why you have them, if you have a concept of wholeness to which you can relate them. To concentrate on your senses alone as the primary source of information is to risk becoming unbalanced: within your psyche exists the counter-balance that can provide a perspective."

As this message was forming 2 birds mated on the wall nearby!

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