
Letter to a friend experiencing difficulties

Dear P
Will you accept some thoughts based on my own experience of career difficulties? If there is a difficulty its because there is a dynamic in your life which can only be satisfied when you have centred yourself on a spiritual ley-line that carries special power for you. The more talent you have -and you’ve certainly got more than a fair share- and especially if you have a temperament that wont accept second best, things wont start to synchronise for you until you’ve located what/where your underlying dynamic is.
The Watcher in the Rain is about this very situation. It is about s/o who receives no help in identifying the energy she feels within, and who eventually drowns in it. The story attracted me because it precisely mirrored my own difficulties. I wrote it a time that I was beginning dimly to distinguish my true inner voice from the many voices echoing in my head. Even so I remained severely blocked in both career and money. There was just enough of the former to keep me from total despair, and the latter was provided (principally, as yours, from my partner) to keep body and soul intact until I came to my senses — all 6 of them!
Creativity, I now realise, is another dimension of our psychic faculties: we inhabit a multi-dimensional world but are only aware of 3! Those who have exceptional powers (as I thought from first seeing you that you did) are led, and buffeted if need be, until the everyday chrysalis shatters and the true butterfly of spiritual growth emerges to try its wings against the warm air of heaven.
I don’t presume to advise either your path or your goal — for you alone know, and both are already within you. But opening to your higher powers [the spiritual guides who speak constantly to you but whose voice you discount as your own] will take you that micrometer’s journey inside your brain that leads to internal resolution.
In my own case I have spent a lifetime charging at a door I see now I was never meant to enter, and which would have clanged shut behind me if I had. Rather than compete in terms of a conventional career in music-related film, as I have always so much wanted, I see clearly that my true calling is to the use of music for healing. As a result I am preparing to take in a number of courses and seminars, for the idea I’m interested in developing doesn’t yet exist in the form that I envision it.
Because I obeyed my inner promptings to write The Watcher in the Rain at a time of maximum financial desperation when, like you I should have been looking for jobs I knew weren’t there and wouldnt’ve been right for me even if they were, I feel confident that the act of faith is to be rewarded. Most importantly, I restricted the act of writing to those times when I was confident that I was hearing not my voice, but that of some deeper archetype. In a sense I felt awed by the responsibility for supplying the answer to Lucia’s agonised and fearful question.
I say this, I hope, to encourage you to feel there are answers, and that you can find them — indeed, that you’re already aware of them if only you’ll slow down for long enough to admit the inner truths you’ve always know.
Vaya con Dios!

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