
Be love(d)

"I am your God – you shall have no other Gods but me. Stop fretting. Allow your stillness to manifest its reward. Be in a state of constancy and prayer. You know – that is your power. Manifest it with quiet determination. We want you to succeed. Please simply accept and trust.
Don’t duck. The prize is in the severity of the test. Bear it without flinching. The discomfort is temporary, the reward everlasting. The purpose is to test and develop your stamina – if you call the test off by not enduring, your stamina won't increase. There is a purpose – trust.
Be love. You are love in the world – whom if not you?
Don’t worry about publishing these thoughts. Be them, that is the best form of publication.
You are infinitely precious in the great scheme. Please believe this and allow the process of wholing to complete itself."

> During this time, after the collapse of my magazine, I gave myself to composition.

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