

"You must cultivate an intense following of your heart. If you attempt to follow up everything you become like a mental sorting office. Fast driving or competitive sport may develop your body–brain coordination but they do nothing for your heart.
"When you come to the end of your physical body you may have lived 70 years, but at your death those who come to guide you into the spirit world will only see the real you – they will look at the ‘hours on the clock’ of your inner heart. And what will they find? That you are 10, 20, maybe 30 years old?
"Do you truly live from your heart even as much as an hour of each day? How old were you when your head and your heart parted company? 8, 10, 14?
"Thereafter how much time have you spent working from you heart alone? – Maybe when you were intensely in love (but consolidate the moments & is it more than a couple of years?), maybe around young children? It is only true love that changes anything."

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