
The nature of Nature

"You ask about my nature? All nature is mine. If it were not it could not exist, the dark and the light are mine alike. If your cosmogony covers only the light you have a shallow view indeed. Death, decay and destruction are as much a part of my nature as regeneration, growth and fulfilment.
"It is necessary for all growth to incubate within the shelter of darkness. There will be periods of pain during emergence into light, it is part of the process of extrusion. Psychic contractions are no less real than physical ones.
"Think how vapid everything would be if the interaction of deeper emotions played no part. If there are deeper, there must also be deepest emotions, just as there must be higher and highest. You are all affected by each other’s cycles, and so the grief of one can become the richness of many, and the happiness of many the reassurance of one.
"Hate, rage and anger are as much part of everyone’s experience as love, joy and contentment. You have to face them and integrate their energies into your world-view or you become someone whose lack of self-awareness makes them afraid to step out (/in) for fear of discovering in others what they are unwilling to address within themselves.
"Premature death is painful for those whose psychic bonds are rudely severed — that is, if you persist in seeing your current existence as the only one. But if you could see how simple it is to move between dimensions you would know that you haven’t in any sense lost contact.
"Even if the passing involved violence, that may have been what was needed to empower and free the individual. The violence done to the Christ was an essential part of his spiritual process and freed him from all need for reincarnation, so that he can interpenetrate matter impervious to its lower energies.
"Don’t ask for such a path, or it will be given you! There are too few who offer themselves, but oh what rewards there are in light.
"Sex too, in its reproductory or aberrant forms, is as much my nature as holiness. It is the energy of all life.
"Only if you can understand how I am the prostitute and her client as much as I am the saint or the happily married couple can you claim to have glimpsed me. The masochist is as much part of my nature as the virgin. But, for lack of balance, the sensualist’s pursuit of intense experience in a specialised area distorts hir awareness of hirself, and thereby the possibility of broadening /relocating that intensity as an energy-source for integration of the whole personality."

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